Engine & Transmission Repairs

It could be argued that the engine and transmission in your vehicle are the two most important components on your four wheels. The engine provides all the power for the vehicle, and the transmission is in charge of moving some of that power to the wheels. Without the engine and transmission, your vehicle simply won’t be able to get you anywhere. So, if you need emergency transmission or engine repair in Sacramento, CA, bring your vehicle to the experts at University Automotive!

Engine Repair Sacramento CA

Regarding engine repair, expertise and attention to detail are key in ensuring proper engine maintenance. Depending on the engine issue, engine repairs can vary significantly. For example, fuel injectors may require cleaning or replacement, spark plug wires may need to be replaced, and valve timing may need adjustment or replacement. Each engine repair scenario is unique and requires our knowledgeable technicians to diagnose the issue and work out an appropriate action plan. The engine’s performance depends upon its ability to operate smoothly, so engine repair should not be taken lightly. By choosing University Automotive, you can rest assured that your vehicle is in capable hands.

Transmission Repair Sacramento CA

Taking care of transmission repair can be essential to ensure your vehicle’s safety on the road. Whether you have an automatic or manual transmission system, it’s important to keep all parts in good condition so that your car will give you optimal and reliable performance. Regular transmission inspection and regular maintenance are recommended, and if any repairs become necessary, they should be addressed immediately, as transmission issues can become expensive if left too long. Working with University Automotive can help to get the job done faster and more efficiently while helping ensure the best possible outcome for your car’s transmission system.

Engine & Transmission Repair Near Me

Whether you need transmission repair or engine repair in Sacramento, CA you have a problem on your hands that needs to be addressed. The team at University Automotive is uniquely qualified and waiting to help with your vehicle’s engine and transmission, and we will have you back on the road before you know it. Just make an appointment and let our team do the rest!